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The global LNG market going forward

Want to get updated on international LNG market opportunities? Join NORWEP in cooperation with Network LNG Norway, DNV GL and Innovation Norway for a full day seminar at Høvik!


  • Present and discuss the global and regional LNG Market going forward.
  • Show LNG market opportunities focusing on distribution, small scale solutions and the use of LNG in shipping and energy production. sector.
  • Present capabilities and innovative solutions by Norwegian companies and discuss in panels how companies may add values in regional LNG supply chains

Program and contact HERE

Date: November 22, 2018   9:45 AM - 4:30 PM

Location: DNV GL, Høvik, Norway

Category: Oil and Gas

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Tinuoye Oshodi

Service Delivery Manager, NNCC
Email: Contact NNCC 
Telephone: + 234 909 648 0190.

This event is hosted by a external organization. Please visit the Event Organizer Page to register for the event.

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