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Subsea Market Outlook Seminar

We invite you to a seminar that will provide you with an exclusive and highly competent market update. Rystad Energy will present highlights from their annual oil and gas market report.

The global subsea market is in constant development. The now healthy stable oil price has led to exciting plans on both new fields and expansions of existing ones around the world.  The seminar will give you the latest globale update including an update from GCE Subsea partners Aker Solutions and Coast Center Base (CCB).

Participation and Costs

The seminar is free of charge and open for all participants, but registration is mandatory.

Register by Monday 3 December, click HERE.



08:30 Registration, coffee and pastries

09:00 Information from venue host DNB

09:05 Welcome, Owe Hagesæther, GCE Subsea

09:10 Global market, view from Aker Solutions – Artem Lytkin, Aker Solutions Norway

09:35 Base support activities in West African and South American markets, Geir Olsen, CCB

10:00 Break

10:20 New markets in related industries, Owe Hagesæther, GCE Subsea

10:35 Global market analysis – Erik Reiso, Rystad Energy

11:05 Panel debate – panel by CCB, Rystad, Aker Solutions and GCE Subsea

11:55 Closing remarks, Kai Stoltz, GCE Subsea


The seminar is organised in collaboration with


Contact Information:

Kai Stoltz

Business Development Manager
+47 930 16 772

Date: December 4, 2018   8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Category: Oil and Gas

Map Unavailable


Not a member yet? Apply for Membership.


Tinuoye Oshodi

Service Delivery Manager, NNCC
Email: Contact NNCC 
Telephone: + 234 909 648 0190.

This event is hosted by a external organization. Please visit the Event Organizer Page to register for the event.

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