SPE OLEF 2020 (Society of Petroleum Engineers Oloibiri Lecture Series & Energy Forum
The 2020 Oloibiri Lecture and Energy Forum will discuss the current status of these acquisitions and divestments in the industry, the drivers, constraints , solutions on offer and opportunities available, especially for indigenous players.
The theme will be discussed along following perspectives:
- Divestment of oil and Gas Assets in Nigeria: Offering & Obtaining Fair Market Value in the Sale of Assets;
- Policy, Legal, Regulatory, Ethical and other challenges in the divestment process and the way forward.
- Acquisition of oil and gas assets: Deriving Optimum Value from Acquired assets; Valuation,
- Operational and Capacity challenges and solutions
- Effective Regulation of the Acquisition and Divestment Processes: Challenges & Solutions
- Promoting Local Content in the ownership and Management of Assets & Developing a Viable Supply Chain in-Country: Drawbacks & the Way Forward
- Deriving Economic Value & Revenue to the State from the Operations of Divested assets: Challenges and Opportunities for Value Optimization
- Financing Asset Acquisition & Development: Challenges and Opportunities
Venue: PTDF Auditorium, Abuja
Theme: Asset Acquisitions And Divestments in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry: Status , Challenges and the Way Forward
March 19, 2020

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Tinuoye Oshodi
Service Delivery Manager, NNCC
Email: Contact NNCC
Telephone: + 234 909 648 0190.
This event is hosted by a external organization. Please visit the Event Organizer Page to register for the event.
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