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SPE Norway One Day Seminar

The SPE One Day Seminar is the key annual forum for discussion points, industry developments and technical challenges facing upstream oil and gas not only in the Norwegian Continental Shelf, but also the wider E&P industry.

Its highly respected technical content represents a diverse range of oil and gas disciplines and provides an excellent learning experience.

The seminar will provide scope for networking with industry colleagues, as well as an exhibition that will showcase leading organisations active within the sector.

For more informatiom:

Date: May 14, 2019  
Location: Quality Hotel Edvard Grieg, Bergen, , Norway

Category: Networking Event

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Tinuoye Oshodi

Service Delivery Manager, NNCC
Email: Contact NNCC 
Telephone: + 234 909 648 0190.

This event is hosted by a external organization. Please visit the Event Organizer Page to register for the event.

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