OTC 2019 will have an opening general session on Monday morning, 6 May, under the theme “OTC: The Next 50 Years.” The industry executives listed below will explore how companies are preparing for the brave new world of digitalization, automation, and machine learning. What is their vision for the future of offshore E&P operations?
- Arnaud Breuillac, President, Exploration & Production, Total
- Doug Pferdehirt, Chief Executive Officer, TechnipFMC
- Susan Dio, Chairman and President, BP America
- Jannicke Nilsson, EVP and Chief Operating Officer, Equinor
- Maria Claudia Borras, President & CEO, Oilfield Services, Baker Hughes, a GE Company
- Scott Tinker, Director, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas
- And special guest speaker Malcolm Frank, EVP of Strategy and Marketing for Cognizant, and co-author of What to Do When Machines Do Everything.
Monday through Wednesday, OTC will feature a new program called the “Around the World Series.” Global industry leaders will discuss new licensing and business opportunities, as well as recently introduced technologies. Hear the latest information from principals representing: Australia, Norway, Mexico, France, United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, and Guyana.
Expect to hear more about these new OTC 2019 programs in the coming weeks.